
All publications provided below are the copyrighted works and property of Phobos Technologies LLC and Thomas J. Wright. These publications are free to the public for consumption. The right to duplicate this material and the right to distribute this material is granted under the following conditions:

    1. All materials and thereby all derivative works must remain freely accessible to everyone.
    2. All reproductions and any redistribution of this material both in part or in whole:
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      • must be properly cited with honest and accurate attributions,
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Phobos Technologies LLC | The AI STEM Drive Business Plan

This document provides an introductory overview of STEM Theory (comprised of The AI STEM Drive and The STEM Epiconomy). Though we have opted to avoid investment groups and individual investors, parties who have an interest in the success of STEM Theory research and who’s interests are not otherwise financially motivated, will find a great deal of useful information concerning our strategies, research, and operation.

[Research Paper] The Tenability of The Three Functions of Money: A Thermodynamic Analysis of The Traditional Claim

Projected release date: 2022 early spring
Focusing on thermodynamics of a currency based economy; the final paper will detail the plans for running and studying the TerraSTEM ProtoSim which is a combined simulation run of the prototypes for the TerraPrime and STEMPrime Simulation set.